
Interview Dark Lord Steff Marschall 9.2. Radioshow

in Interview Section 10.02.2011 23:04
von DonJackus • Der Hochwohlgeborene Edle | 2.588 Beiträge

Vom dunklen Lord selbst bestimmt, bin ich dazu befugt, hier nur die wahnwitzigen Antworten des Lord Steff der gestrigen Radioshow preis zu geben!

Im Originalton des Masters in etwas so:


Bloody good evening -
Just call me, Dark Lord Steff!

First of all, bloody thanks for the invitation…
…that makes Lord Steff real happy - as far, as you can get, Chet, Baker happy!?

To the death of Gary Moore:
A bloody good man gone - or what the B-Shit Oracle tells tonight:
My destiny will be Blood nerve - a Family member of dark future!!

"Blood on the Dancefloor" ,
takes care about bloody peace,
or even pieces….
You can have a visual expression, by watching the video on YouTube!

My bloody works can be commented as,
A reduction of kastilian Bloodwurscht,
in a translucent deep black dressing,
shortly a real bloody pain for the brain !
Like Lords favourite, 12-tone-music!

Since I am thinking, I been driven by my inner Inquisitor!
May be that's why I'm inspired by lyrics of,
E T A Hoffmann and Lord Byron!
In music, I prefer Allkbottle, MC Griss-di-ni-li, and bloody Aleister Crowley! 

YEAH - Isn't it Zak Wylde??
Well, my bloody Influenzas really have, no physical limit!
So, in guitar playing I use the quite hidden and ancient technique,
'Riffs of Moher' as well as the great, Barree Reef….
"Crazy for your Bones" -
handles the bloody tradition of the,
oracle bones - of Jinxu -

Do you really mind, bloody German or even Bavarian lyrics?
I am a fighter for the grand slang, and collect all this kind of stuff!
Under these relations, Bavarian, Assrock, Massaka, for me - is self explaining!
Besides, Bloodwurscht indeed is the - Essence of my music!

However, in its determination, to present its bloody,
nihilistic ideas in new ways,
uncontaminated by the bourgeois, fine art tradition,
Dada, actually invented a number of experimental art forms and techniques,
which have contributed, in several ways, to the development of that tradition!
And remember, when a bloody circle makes waves…
As far as it seems, someone out of the circle, was quite active, lately!

Yeah - I did it all my bloody way!
But - you forgot the collaboration with - worlds famous Metal Dwarf,
as well as TJ Jake,
with whom, I produced your - Club Soundgarden Melody, remember?
And finally not to forget, the kastilian Country & Western Star Clint,
on the Magnum, I met in Calatrava!
At the moment - I am very focused on BAM BAM.

Well, I am bird wide open -
for wearing no bloody mask, as you can see right now! 
Also my brand new autograph card shows it!
Seedoe, seems to be a funny guy, so I am, what's wrong with that?
Inspite of that, when effordingly wearing a mask,
I am more in the role of an action artist,
right in tradition, of the bavarian morisc dancers!
Considering talent shows I only can say:
"The Sheep only thinks of the Knife -
the Slayer only of the flesh!"

So bloody folks - this is your new commander speaking-
As a Sample of a bloody perfect song, in the eyes of Lord Steff:
This is one of the greatest independent Singer/Songwriter and actor, still alive,
Here you got Tom Waits - from the Album - Bone Machine - Such a Scream!

I am very proud to offer - this unique,
and bloody worldwide - only available fan package -
of Bavarian, Assrock, Massaka!
Whoever get's it, earns the stripes!

Special bloody greets to my personal,
verbal, stunt coordinator,
MC Griss-di-ni-li,
my producers, and family,
and all friends, and staff of, Hartmut, the Snotband!

Stay Clean!!!

Angefügte Bilder:

check out!!!
zuletzt bearbeitet 10.02.2011 23:05 | nach oben springen


RE: Interview Dark Lord Steff Marschall 9.2. Radioshow

in Interview Section 12.02.2011 11:12
von EarAche • The Undertaker | 2.180 Beiträge

Oha, hat da wer abgetippt, was der Dark Lord in der letzten Sendung so alles vom Stapel gelassen hat?

Schon während der Show war ich mir ja nicht ganz sicher, was genau nun die Message des Lords an seine Gemeinde ist, Stichwort z.B. "Reduktion kastilischer Blutwurscht"... - aber er selbst hatte offenbar tierisch Spass und ich das Vergnügen der bisher ungewöhnlichsten Performance seit Jahren. So harre ich auch gerne eventueller Deutungen der Hörer, die da vielleicht noch kommen mögen...


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