
VUDUDLDI signs Transbavaria Psychosista

in Künstler abseits des Hauptstroms 13.02.2015 15:30
von DonJackus • Der Hochwohlgeborene Edle | 2.588 Beiträge


is happy to announce having signed the brand-new Hip Hop artist TRANSBAVARIA PSYCHOSISTA from Grave!

This will cover a new musical branch of VUDUDLDI with a little crossover from Hip Hop to Rock and real dark lyrics! First single is expected in a few month. TRANSBAVARIA PSYCHOSISTA formerly performed with Marilyn Mason as a background singer and now dares a solo career. Another step for her on high heels which is a real trademark of her!

Or in her own words:

"Ey - isch 'ab voi krass Attitude, Oida!"

You can like her here:


check out!!!
zuletzt bearbeitet 14.02.2015 13:20 | nach oben springen


RE: VUDUDLDI signs Transbavaria Psychosista

in Künstler abseits des Hauptstroms 23.02.2015 21:55
von EarAche • The Undertaker | 2.180 Beiträge

The Vuduldi-Family grows and grows... ASSES TO ASHES...!

By the way: all family members are directly linked for your convenience on our main-forum-site (behind these facebook- & twitter-buttons on the right hand side... by mouse-over you can see who hides behind the single buttons...)


zuletzt bearbeitet 23.02.2015 22:15 | nach oben springen

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